Our Program

Our Program includes Process Groups, Equine Therapy, Sex Addicts Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Daily 10th Step Review, Morning Meditations & EMDR

  • Process Groups - Six days a week, we gather for our group. It’s more than therapy-it’s an exercise in facing reality. We use what is happening with each individual and the group in order to face our assets and defects, recognize patterns in our feelings and behavior, address issues and conflicts, assess our wounds, reflect on our relationships, and more. All this work happens in the safety of a tight-knit group of men who have come together to recover their lives and discover the freedom of sobriety.
  • Equine Therapy - It is virtually impossible to hide emotional and relational issues when working in close proximity with a horse. As prey animals, horses are incredibly sensitive to our emotional and relational selves, and they mirror back to us the issues that we need to address for sustained recovery. Each week, our clients work with Kathi M, our Equine Therapist, to experience the joy of being around horses, from the most basic horsemanship encounters with safe horses to more advanced horse training and riding. Over the course of an afternoon, our residents groom, saddle, perform groundwork and ride the horses, while being observed and encouraged by Kathi and Tom. Following the ride, residents participate in a brief process group, during which they discover relational patterns that become evident as they work with their horses and explore how these patterns also appear in their relationships with family, peers, spouses and partnersRead more...
  • Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) - Residents attend three SAA meetings per week: two meetings at the Better Way Group in Missoula, Montana and one on-site meeting at NBR. SAA is an international fellowship of people who seek recovery from sexual addiction by spiritual means. SAA does not require adherence to any particular set of beliefs or practices; the path is wide enough for all who wish to walk it. Attending SAA reminds sex addicts of their problem, and provides them a spiritual solution by working through 12 steps of recovery with a sponsor. Our men are strongly encouraged to get a sponsor and begin working the 12 steps soon after arrival. More information about SAA can be found at saa-recovery.org
  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) - There are many meetings of AA in nearby Hamilton, Montana. These are open meetings, meaning that non-alcoholics may also attend. Both chemically-dependent and non-dependent residents find it very helpful to be around the AA fellowship and its emphasis on the 12 steps, and they attend 5 to 6 meetings per week.
  •  Daily 10th Step Review - A least once a week, the New Beginning Ranch community gathers after dinner to review the day as a 10th Step Review. Based on the 10th Step of Alcoholics Anonymous that says, “We continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it,” the review gives each client a chance to share – uninterrupted – about his successes and failures from that day. This meeting allows clients to evaluate their progress in recovery and determine what they are doing well and what they might want to change.
  • Morning Meditations - Clients have the option of starting each morning with a brief meditation that helps them center, set an intention for the day and connect with their Higher Power. The format for meditation is simple and flexible, involving the reading of daily inspirational and/or self-help guidebooks followed by a period of quiet reflection.
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) – Some of our clients will be encouraged to participate in our EMDR Therapy Program with Megan MacKay, a licensed, clinical mental health counselor, formerly with Innerstate Healing and Recovery. This therapy helps men uncover and resolve traumatic events that have haunted them, sometimes for years or even decades. The therapy is designed to replace trauma-induced negative self-talk with healthy beliefs. Clients who can benefit from EMDR will attend weekly sessions with MacKay.
  • Conquer Series - The Conquer Series is a curriculum series taught by Dr. Ted Roberts, Ph.D, PSAP.  Their official website, conquerseries.com, says “Men are finding freedom by the thousands. Dr. Ted Roberts, host of the Conquer Series, has personally counseled over 10,000 men with a 90% success rate. He's taken his proven Biblically-based process and incorporated it into the Conquer Series. We are now seeing thousands of men finding freedom from porn and remaining free for years!” We watch the DVDs twice per week, and clients are furnished with the accompanying workbooks soon after arrival. Christian and non-Christian clients alike have found tremendous insight and hope from this series.

   Stay sober and have fun!!

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